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Rudbeckia 'Sundance'

A very late flowering variety with tall wiry stems and in its early stages an interesting tight flower bud, providing a similar effect to craspedia globosa. Attractive low basal foliage, and a sculptural interesting plant for late summer groupings.

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A very late flowering variety with tall wiry stems and in its early stages an interesting tight flower bud, providing a similar effect to craspedia globosa. Attractive low basal foliage, and a sculptural interesting plant for late summer groupings.

Product Details

Data sheet

Light requirement
full sun
Height range
large (81 - 120cm)
Drought resistance
Frost tolerance
extremely good
Flowering time
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Geum rivale 'Mango'

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Ligularia reniformis

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Pachystegia insignis

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Lamium ovarla

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Campanula 'Planifolia'

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Persicaria 'Taurus'

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Lysimachia cletheroides

A very beautiful plant with unusual white arching flower spikes. The foliage colours well in colder areas; both flowers and foliage are a delight for the flower arranger. Allow some room as plants will clump out substantially in a few years. Sun or dappled shade on moist soil.

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Primula auricula 'Dark Eyes'

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Austrostipa stipoides

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Dierama 'Rose Pink'

Tall wand like stems, topped with pink bells, a lovely waterside plant, or well situated where it has some space around it so its form can be appreciated. Cut back occasionally.

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