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Kniphofia 'Poco Lemon' dwarf

A compact low growing variety for foreground plantings, only just over knee high and easier to manage than some of the larger kniphofia. Colourful lemon yellow flowers in summer look good with rudbeckia, grasses and sedums.

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A compact low growing variety for foreground plantings, only just over knee high and easier to manage than some of the larger kniphofia. Colourful lemon yellow flowers in summer look good with rudbeckia, grasses and sedums.

Product Details

Data sheet

Light requirement
full sun
Height range
medium (21 - 80cm)
Drought resistance
very good
Frost tolerance
extremely good
Flowering time
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Hydrangea 'Amethyst'

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Allium 'Mnt Everest'

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Achillea 'Blush'

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Paeonia 'Garden Treasure'

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