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Primula auricula 'Pink Coffee'

A pretty variety we raised a few years ago from experimental crosses, with some creative contributions from our staff for the name. Good  clumping habit and a subtle colour.

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A pretty variety we raised a few years ago from experimental crosses, with some creative contributions from our staff for the name. Good  clumping habit and a subtle colour.

Product Details

Data sheet

Light requirement
full sun to partial shade
Height range
short (0 - 20cm)
Drought resistance
Frost tolerance
extremely good
Flowering time
16 other products in the same category:

Eryngium 'Glitter White'

A striking cut flower and useful mid summer texture plant between grasses, asters,  echinacea, heleniums and sedums. Easy to cultivate, most effective in multiple 25cm spaced group  plantings of 3, 5, 7  and upward for maximum impact.

Price $9.50
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Verbena peruviana alba

White flowered low spreading ground cover for full sun preferring loose drained soil types. Useful for foreground and border plantings.

Price $8.50
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Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snowflake'

Beautiful semi deciduous shrub with attractive textured multicoloured leaves and white flowers, likes good drainage and shade or dappled sun. Can often retain its leaves but benefits from an occasional light prune to promote basal growth.

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Phlox subulata 'Amazing Grace'

Low mounding perennial for foreground colour, useful ground cover when mass planted at 25cm spacings under roses and along pathways. White form with pink eye, long flowering. Combine with dianthus helianthemum and miniature bulbs.

Price $8.50
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Santolina Primrose Gem

Useful low mounding variety for a mediterranean planting style or gravel garden, combining well with erysimum, euphorbia, perovskia and lavender. Trim after flowering.

Price $8.50
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Calceolaria 'Azula'

Firey orange red calceolaria, long lived perennial variety with shrubby growth like salvia or santolina. Trim after flowering to maintain shape and vigour.

Price $12.50

Iris sibirica 'Summer Skies'

An unusual bi-coloured iris with beautiful light blue flowers quite unlike anything I have ever seen. Imported from Cotswold Garden Flowers in 1999.

Price $9.50
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Astrantia maxima 'Roseum'

A delightful variety for moist fertile soil in shade or part sun, pink flowers and good clumping habit, looks good in both woodland and herbaceous border plantings.

Price $9.50
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Kniphofia 'Poco Orange' dwarf

A terrific low growing variety for foreground plantings, only just over knee high and easier to manage than some of the larger kniphofia. Colourful burnt orange flowers in summer look good with rudbeckia, grasses and sedums.

Price $8.50
In stock

Aster 'Winston Churchill'

Rich pink variety, easy cottage garden plant flowering in autumn. Combine with ornamental grasses and sedums.

Price $8.50
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Covolvulus sabiatus

A useful tough cascading groundcover for dry banks and difficult areas once its established. Stays low and has a long flowering period  

Price $8.50
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Phlox 'Jupiter'

Tall Phlox paniculata type, soft pink flowering in summer, best on fertile moisture retentive soil with astrantia, delphiniums and herbaceous perennials.

Price $9.50
In stock

Astrantia 'Woodbridge White'

We have selected this form for its showy larger than usual flowers and longer stem, which suits cutting for floral arrangements. To get the best out of these, plenty of fertility and moisture, shade to part sun.

Price $9.50

Salvia murii

A good salvia for open positions where it gets plenty of sun. Long flowering from mid summer onwards with literally hundreds of light blue flowers. Trim back annually like a lavender for best long term results.

Price $8.50
In stock