Sedum 'Autumn Joy'
A Sedum spectabile cultivar with dark terracotta red flowers. Upright habit, always reliable for late summer and autumn colour.
Tall, sun loving perennial for the herbaceous border and cottage garden, providing lasting structure and a long show of golden ochre flowers. Plant with heleniums, day lilies, iris and salvias.
Tall, sun loving perennial for the herbaceous border and cottage garden, providing lasting structure and a long show of golden ochre flowers. Plant with heleniums, day lilies, iris and salvias.
Data sheet
A Sedum spectabile cultivar with dark terracotta red flowers. Upright habit, always reliable for late summer and autumn colour.
One of the best achillea for foliage structure, the flowers are at their best pre colouring when the combination of grey flower buds and silvery foliage provide a lovely texture amongst summer perennials.
Attractive long flowering ornamental grass which flowers in summer with miscanthus, sedums, agastache, and echinacea. Very easy and well behaved in clay however in light sandy soils may be overly vigorous and only suit the large garden. We have found only occasional seedlings, but as with all grasses, deadhead if seeding occurs. Useful for foreground in...
A legendary oriental poppy with a distinct colour break from the usual pinks and reds, producing the most intriguing plum purple blooms. The dark flowers are subject to sun and wind burn so provide some shelter. If these are out of stock, we normally have more coming on in propagation.
One of the tallest thalictrum with both wonderful foliage and flower display. Good in shade or part sun, prominent background plant, one of the best varieties we have grown.
Geranium phaeum cultivar with attractive dark markings on the leaves, we found this at Elizabeth Strangmans nursery in Kent. Deep wine purple flowers.
Low growing hosta for foreground and mass planting with rounded blue green leaves, with soft lilac mauve flowers.
Strong landscaping variety with bushy growth ideal for mass planting or hedges. Blue flowers in summer and drought tolerant once established.
Attractive glossy foliage plant for shade, use as mass plantings for ground cover or grouped as specimens. Likes free draining soil in a cool position, very tough however once established, evergreen. Flowers unexciting, we usually chop off to feature the beautifully attractive leaves which can get to 20cm across.
Intermediate between Nepeta 'Walkers Low' and faasenii, bushy long flowering cultivar that repeat flowers well after trimming. Use as edging in cottage gardens instead of lavender. Flowers are lavender mauve in colour.
A bushy form of Russells lupin with deep pink flowers, ideal between roses and in the perennial border. Pinch out first flower to develop multistemmed form.
Milky white rosette forming variety with pink flowers, attractive in clusters amongst Senecio serpens, sempervivums, and low growing sedums. A good variety for green roofs or amongst masonry.
Old fashioned "catmint", mostly used as a border or edging in cottage gardens. Soft blue flowers, trim lightly in mid summer for a repeat flower in autumn.
An old fashioned cottage garden variety, long in circulation but now at the risk of disappearing along with so many other varieties. Cushion forming clumper, for border or rock garden, attractive two toned semi double flowers in crimson and pink.
Attractive foliage like a Corydalis with a distinct grey-blue tinge and cream flowers in spring. Useful under trees with hellebores and hostas.
Lower growing hosta with lots of lilac flowers and good rosettes of blue grey foliage. Useful variety for foreground plantings in part sun to shade.
Tall, sun loving perennial for the herbaceous border and cottage garden, providing lasting structure and a long show of golden ochre flowers. Plant with heleniums, day lilies, iris and salvias.