Aquilegia 'Green Apples'
Pom-pom 'Nora Barlow' type, beginning green in bud then opening to white tight double flowers. Lovely amongst other Aquilegia varieties.
Ground cover creating a mossy bright green mounds. Useful for border edges, paths, between rocks with succulents and thyme.
Ground cover creating a mossy bright green mounds. Useful for border edges, paths, between rocks with succulents and thyme.
Data sheet
Pom-pom 'Nora Barlow' type, beginning green in bud then opening to white tight double flowers. Lovely amongst other Aquilegia varieties.
Pig Face. Excellent ground-covering succulent for banks and mass planting. Withstands dry conditions.
Pinkish purple form of paniculata, old fashioned colour good with David Austin roses. Best grown in a herbaceous border or cottage garden setting.
Lower growing hosta with lots of lilac flowers and good rosettes of blue grey foliage. Useful variety for foreground plantings in part sun to shade.
Semi double white flowers with dark cherry centre, cushion forming. Useful frost and drought hardy plant for rock garden or perennial border.
Slender lower growing variety with pink tubular bells. Easily grown amongst other perennials, attractive on pond margins.
Old fashioned blue mop top hydrangea, needs acid soil to colour up well. Will go towards pink in alkaline soil.
Close relative of Echinacea angustifolia, also used in herbal medicine, sharing many similarities. I find it a better garden plant, more vigorous and productive in growth, and manages better in winter wet.
Seed raised plants from self-pollinated flowers of "Betty Ranicar". Most of the plants will be double white, a few anemone-centred white and singles.
Black mondo grass. Popular for its glossy black foliage and evergreen carpeting effect. Easily grown but slower in cold climates.
An old fashioned cottage garden variety, long in circulation but now at the risk of disappearing along with so many other varieties. Cushion forming clumper, for border or rock garden, attractive two toned semi double flowers in crimson and pink.
Upright evergreen ornamental grass, close relative to 'Karl Forester', however with cream and green linear markings on each leaf. Useful for variation of visual texture in grass plantings, attractive upright seedheads.
Native to Japan, a lower growing variety with attractive lobed leaves and pink bottlebrush flowers. In Australia part shade is best, on fertile clay or moisture retentive soil.
Spreading ground covering deciduous perennial for shade, with leaves like a small epimedium, soft yellow flower. Combine with dicentras, hellebores and pachyphragmas. Drought tolerant once established.
Beautiful red tinged grass, otherwise known as Japanese Blood Grass. Foliage becomes progressively redder as the season advances, this is a slow growing moisture loving variety that grows best in pots or in fertile soil in a sheltered environment, and is relativley slow growing. Will spread to form a clump over time.
Common "meadowsweet", an attractive perennial for damp soil with dozens of medicinal and culinary uses. The white fluffy flowers can be added sparingly to jam and stewed fruit, and can be used to flavour wine, beer and cordials. The root is also used in varied herbal remedies.
Ground cover creating a mossy bright green mounds. Useful for border edges, paths, between rocks with succulents and thyme.