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Light blue form with larger flowers than the wild variety. Easy to grow and lovely in spring.
Light blue form with larger flowers than the wild variety. Easy to grow and lovely in spring.
Data sheet
Drought hardy silver foliage plant for topiary and background, use in place of Italian lavenders which are disappointing and die out after a few years. Attractive blue flowers, drought tolerant.
Larger agave, but still slow growing like most in a temperate climate. Attractive blue tinged erect saw toothed leaves.
Rarely seen white form, similar cultivation as for the usual mauve form in part shade.
A branching form of Russells lupin with white and cream flowers. Provide good drainage and dry off in summer, looks wonderful with white roses.
Perfectly white flowers, with all the good aspects of the other Salvia nemorosa varieties. Very frost tolerant, ideal bedding plant, will repeat flower in fertile soil.
Terrific new variety from our own breeding, lower growing than most other varieties at around knee high, but larger than usual flowers in a good rich plummy colour. Good foliage too, likes moist rich soil.
Soft lemon yellow columbine, long spurs. Spring flowering and easy to grow like other varieties.
An alternative to 'Walkers Low', when a slightly taller variety is required. Lilac mauve flowers through summer, nepeta will repeat flower if trimmed occasionally.
Terrific long flowering agastache, distinct from Blue Boa with narrower conical flowers and more blue in colour. Prefers open drainage and good soil, as per other agastache.
The lovely white form which flowers earlier than the blue, and is equally easy. I raised our original stock plant from one white seedling which we later divided. Thanks Lindy for recovering this for me when I thought it had been lost forever!
Delightful white starry variety for perennial border and cottage garden, flowering in late summer. Tall arching stems, perfect infill between salvia, helenium, lupins, roses, also useful for floral work.
Tiny grey foliage ground cover for the rock garden which will tolerate dry conditions. Easy and long lasting, good with saxifrage and auricula.
Temperate bromeliad from Chile for sunny well drained position, also good in pots. The grey green rosette transforms to brilliant red when the wonderful azure flower appears. Likes winter wet and summer dry in our climate. Avoid clay.
Attractive evergreen ground cover for shade and moist soil, repeat flowers throughout the year.
Soft peach colour fading to pastel, a subtle colour for the cottage garden combining well with astrantia, geraniums and old roses.
A cross between Geranium dalmaticum and G. macrorrhizum with good ground-covering habit and compact growth. A useful landscaping plant which looks tidy for most of the year. The flowers are white to pale pink and held well above the evergreen green foliage. Also good in pots.
Light blue form with larger flowers than the wild variety. Easy to grow and lovely in spring.