Sanguisorba obtusa
Native to Japan, a lower growing variety with attractive lobed leaves and pink bottlebrush flowers. In Australia part shade is best, on fertile clay or moisture retentive soil.
Can often be bicoloured, usually blue and purple depending on soil pH pink if alkaline. Fluffy rounded flower heads, vigorous long flowering.
Can often be bicoloured, blue and purple depending on soil pH. Fluffy rounded flower heads, vigorous long flowering.
Data sheet
Native to Japan, a lower growing variety with attractive lobed leaves and pink bottlebrush flowers. In Australia part shade is best, on fertile clay or moisture retentive soil.
Old fashioned variety from Dennis Norgate with double red fragrant flowers, strong bushy grower with long enough stems to pick, without being fragile like many of the modern carnation varieties.
The usual form is silver but this variety has purple tinted leaves. Great in a large pot or tub, alternatively in the rock garden or border. Prefers well drained soil.
Old fashioned colour rarely seen in contemporary gardens, easy plant, reproduces from bulbs. Best in dry well drained soil, sunny conditions. Note this is a winter dormant bulb.
The best white persicaria we have tried, as with Taurus and others, these will flower in summer but good much and soil fertility will ensure their best performance. Waist high or fraction higher in moister conditions, basal foliage with drifts of vertical white spikes. We like to plant these in clumped groups of 5 or 9 at 25cm spacings for best effect.
Ornamental perennial from South America, with attractive white trumpet flowers and a sweet scent. A spectacular infill plant in mass plantings and backgrounds, best in part shade.
Carpeting ground cover with violet purple flowers, good amongst stones, over a wall, and in the rock garden with miniature bulbs.
Old fashioned cottage garden perennial, robust form with upright flower stems, rich cobalt blue.
Recently imported variety with large semi double flowers like old velvet. Beautiful and long flowering, wonderful with geraniums and heuchera amongst roses..
A good salvia for open positions where it gets plenty of sun. Long flowering from mid summer onwards with literally hundreds of light blue flowers. Trim back annually like a lavender for best long term results.
Shade loving variety with delicate soft pink flowers in summer. Use as background planting to hostas and hellebores for summer display.
Tight mat forming ground cover, with attractive foliage. Suitable for green wall or rock garden.
Rarely seen white form, similar cultivation as for the usual mauve form in part shade.
A dwarf variety with a groundcovering habit and sprays of coral flowers in spring. Long flowering.
A terrific allium from the Hymalayas, large sphaerical flowers up to 10cm across. Grow in well drained soil that dries out well in summer, but doesnt bake. We often add some gravel to ensure the bulbs get sufficient drainage.
Tall Phlox paniculata type, soft pink flowering in summer, best on fertile moisture retentive soil with astrantia, delphiniums and herbaceous perennials.
Can often be bicoloured, usually blue and purple depending on soil pH pink if alkaline. Fluffy rounded flower heads, vigorous long flowering.