Veronicastrum virginicum
A handsome plant with attractive palmate foliage on straight stems, topped with 30 cm spikes of pale pink Veronica flowers. Best in a moist fertile spot.
A really useful low mounding grass which will grow well in a range of situations from shade to full sun. Attractive bronze evergreen foliage, recommended for low to medium annual rainfall areas from 550-800 mm per year, where they will not seed. Not recommended in wetter climates of 900 mm+ rainfall, (or heavy irrigation): this climate may cause the plants to seed.
A really useful low mounding grass which will grow well in a range of situations from shade to full sun. Attractive bronze evergreen foliage, recommended for low to medium annual rainfall areas from 550-800 mm per year, where they will not seed. Not recommended in wetter climates of 900 mm+ rainfall, (or heavy irrigation): this climate may cause the plants to seed.
Data sheet
A handsome plant with attractive palmate foliage on straight stems, topped with 30 cm spikes of pale pink Veronica flowers. Best in a moist fertile spot.
Tall wand like stems, topped with pink bells, a lovely waterside plant, or well situated where it has some space around it so its form can be appreciated. Cut back occasionally.
Spreading species from Ethiopia, useful for ground-cover in larger gardens. Suckers like a wild strawberry when happy, prefers part shade or clay based moisture-retentive soils.
Brilliant new variety with dark foliage ; strength and upright growth habit of 'Matrona' but the darker foliage of 'Purple Emperor' and red flowers.
A lower compact form that is brilliant for massed foreground plantings at 40cm high. These cheerful flowers combine well with other summer flowering perennials like echinacea, sedums, salvias, and perennial grasses. Ideal in coastal and Mediterranean climates.
A pleasing break from the usual hot colours, a subtle kniphofia with two-toned pokers in peach and ivory.
Pale creamy yellow, some with peachy tinges. Separate from reds and purples to keep offspring pure. Note lupins are best cut to the ground after flowering, and allowed to dry off slightly during hot weather. Avoid heavy summer irrigation.
Vigorous form with pale flowers and larger leaves than other varieties. Vertical upright growth, suitable for specimen or hedging.
Cascades of beautiful silvery plumes in autumn. Vigorous and clump forming. Allow space to show off its best qualities. Combines well with Perovskia and Stipa arundinacea.
Evergreen plant from the iris family often used for mass planting. White flowers and strappy foliage, native of South Africa. Tough and easy but not for wet and heavy soil.
A delightful variety for moist fertile soil in shade or part sun, pink flowers and good clumping habit, looks good in both woodland and herbaceous border plantings.
A shorter more compact form of the tall officianalis equally hardy and prolific, only growing to 80cm. Purple pom poms throughout summer, a good improvement for windy locations.
The lowest growing of all the lambs ears, and a brilliant long lasting drought tolerant groundcover forming mats of velvety foliage maximum only 10cm tall. We use this extensively for edging borders and paths,and find it combines well with armeria, thymes, origanum rotundifolium, and dwarf bulbs.
Shade loving variety with delicate soft pink flowers in summer. Use as background planting to hostas and hellebores for summer display.
One of the first perennials my mother gave me, a delightful old fashioned ground cover for under roses, where it will remain well behaved forever, or until overgrown by an invasive neighbour. Easily revived and transplanted however, and not to be confused with 'Claridge Druce' or other inferior Geranium oxonianum hybrids.
A vigorous ornamental allium with large pinkish purple spherical flowers on tall wiry stems. Attractive in mass border plantings or in parterre gardens, also a much sought after cut flower. Can self seed so trim off unwanted seed heads when flowers have lost colour.
A really useful low mounding grass which will grow well in a range of situations from shade to full sun. Attractive bronze evergreen foliage, recommended for low to medium annual rainfall areas from 550-800 mm per year, where they will not seed. Not recommended in wetter climates of 900 mm+ rainfall, (or heavy irrigation): this climate may cause the plants to seed.